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Podcast Recs
Lots of stuff about being human and how to do that.
If you have podcast recs please email me:
Subject line: Podcast Rec
This podcast is extremely helpful. I love how it's conversational, informative, and human. It covers a wide range of topics and has interesting guests. One of my very faves!
If you're looking for ways to divest from social media as a small business owner/entrepreneur this is a great resource.
Another great resource for learning about the AuDHD experience.
Autumn Brown and adrienne maree brown talking about practices we need as a community and imagining a different future.
Worldbuilding and practices. Alternative ways of doing things in life and business.
Great way to learn about IFS through interesting info and conversation.
Exploring social change, making systemic and personal changes to benefit the collective
Kitchen table convos with Joanna Macy and Jess Serrante
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